§ NEW WRIT ISSUED—For Downpatrick, v. David Stewart Ker, esquire, Chiltern Hundreds.
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—CIVIL SERVICE ESTIMATES—Class IV.—Education, Science, and Art.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Dominica Loan.*
§ First Reading—Skipton Grammar School* [290]; Militia Pay*; Dominica Loan* [291].
§ Second Reading—Fortifications (Provision for Expenses) (No. 2)* [285]; Expiring Laws Continuance* [288]; Prorogation of Parliament* [277]; Patriotic Fund* [278]; Naval Stores (No. 2)* [289].
§ Committee—Parks Regulation (re-comm.) [273] [R.P.]; Customs Revenue* [238]; Inland Revenue* [239]; Metropolis Subways* (re-comm.) [249].
§ Report—Local Government Supplemental (No. 6)* [244]; Customs Revenue* [238]; Inland Revenue* [239]; Metropolis Subways* (re-comm.) [249].
329§ Third Reading—Customs Duties (Isle of Man)* [253]; Poor Law Board, &c.* [271]; District Lunatic Asylums Officers (Ireland)* [269]; Admiralty Court (Ireland)* [209]; Indemnity* [280]; Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* [281], and passed.
§ Withdrawn — Parliamentary Elections* (re-comm.) [247]; Tramways (Ireland) Acts Amendment* [124].