§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—On Army (System of Retirement) [No. 482.]
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—Resolutions [July 25] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions reported—Courts of Law [Fees]; Customs Revenue; Fortifications and Works.
§ Ordered—Courts of Law [Fees]*; Fortifications and Works*; Clerks to Justices in Counties*; Expiring Laws Continuance.*
§ First Reading—Fortifications (Provision for Expenses)* [285]; Clerks to Justices in Counties*[286]; Courts of Law Fees, &c* [287]; Expiring Laws Continuance* [288]; Naval Stores (No. 2)* [280].
§ Committee—Public Health (Scotland)* (re-comm.) [251]; Indemnity* [280]; Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* [281]; Consecration and Ordination Fees* [256]; Court of Chancery (Officers* [235] [R.P.]; Trusts (Scotland)* [266].
§ Report—Public Health (Scotland)* (re-comm.) [284]; Indemnity* [280]; Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* [281]; Consecration and Ordination Fees*[256]; Trusts (Scotland)* [266].
§ Considered as emended—Customs Duties (Isle of Man)* [253]; Poor Law Board, &c.* [271]; Admiralty Court (Ireland)* [209].
§ Third Reading—Canongate Annuity Tax (Edinburgh)* [210]; Justices of the Peace Disqualification Removal* [245]; Weights and Measures (Dublin)* [263]; Dublin Metropolitan Police* [246].
§ Withdrawn—Game Laws Amendment (Ireland)* [226]; Capital Punishments within Prisons * [24].