HC Deb 11 July 1867 vol 188 c1391

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, Why the Postmaster General, notwithstanding the offer to carry Letters free of charge, declines to allow the insertion in The Postal Official Circular of the names of Steamers sailing from Liverpool at stated periods to Brazil and other places, whereby the public is deprived of the opportunity of more frequent and quicker communication with those places in addition to the Post Office Mails?


said, the practice of publishing in the Postal Official Circular the names of private ships carrying letter bags had been discontinued some years ago, the information being often calculated to mislead the public, as the vessels did not always sail at the time appointed. It was not accurate to say that the steamers sailing from Liverpool to Brazil carried letters free of charge, because they received certain gratuities for carrying letters to Brazil and other places. The public were not deprived of the opportunity of sending letters by those steamers, because if they were addressed to go by private ship they were sent by the first that sailed.


gave notice that early next Session he should call attention to the whole system of the Packet Service, and would move certain Resolutions thereon.