§ MR. COGANsaid, he would beg to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether it is the fact that his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has lately nominated a person to fill the office of clerk and storekeeper in the district Lunatic Asylum at Carlow, notwithstanding that another person had been appointed to the office by the resident Medical Superintendent, with the sanction of the Local Board of Governors, and such appointment had been duly notified to the Inspectors of Lunatic Asylums in Ireland; and, if so, on what grounds the practice which has hitherto prevailed of such an appointment being left in the hands of the Local Board has been departed from in this case; and, whether any decision has been come to on the remonstrance of the Board of Governors against this, as they allege, irregular appointment?
LORD NAASsaid, it was not true that a person had been appointed in the manner described by the hon. Member. The medical superintendent had, when announcing the death of the late chief clerk and storekeeper, merely said he had appointed his son pro tempore. In the meanwhile the hon. Member for Carlow recommended another person, who was appointed after inquiry had been made as to his competency. Several appointments of this kind had been made by the present and previous Governments, and no objections had been raised. He thought it, however, desirable to clear up the matter, and he proposed that night to introduce a Bill which would give the Boards of Governors of lunatic asylums the absolute appointment of all officers with the exception of the medical superintendent and those under him. In order to prevent injustice the existing appointments would be allowed to stand.
§ MR. COGANasked, Whether the noble Lord had any objection to lay the Correspondence relating to the matter before the House?
LORD NAASsaid, he was not aware that there was any correspondence, but he would answer the Question to-morrow.