HC Deb 04 July 1867 vol 188 c980

said, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether his opinions coincide with those expressed by the late First Lord on the 19th February last, when he said "That the administration of a great department by a Board is a clumsy machinery," and "that the constitution of the Board of Admiralty is inconvenient and not profitable to the public service;" and, if he does agree in opinion with the late First Lord, whether he intends consulting his Colleagues as to how far in their judgment a change may be desirable?


My experience at the Admiralty as First Lord has been very short; and I have as yet had no occasion to be sensible of any inconvenience arising from the present constitution of the Board. The subject is one which, if dealt with at all, ought to be approached with great caution, and not without grave consideration. I can only add that I have at present no intention of submitting to my Colleagues any scheme for an alteration of the constitution of the Board.

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