HC Deb 25 February 1867 vol 185 c933

said, he wished to ask the Judge Advocate General, Whether the judgment of the Court Martial in the case of Ensign Cullen and Surgeon Morris, on a charge of putting to death two Negroes by shooting them without trial, has been officially received in this country; and, if so, whether it will be laid before the House?


said, in reply, that there had been two separate Courts Martial held on Ensign Cullen and Surgeon Morris, one of the charges being applicable to Surgeon Morris only. The trial in the case of Ensign Cullen was very protracted, having lasted from the early part of October to the 4th of December. The proceedings were delivered on the 1st of January at his office, and on the 8th he submitted them to Her Majesty. As regarded Surgeon Morris, the trial commenced on the 11th of December, and had not concluded when the last mail left. It was not usual to lay the proceedings of courts martial upon the table, and until the whole of the proceedings had been completed he could give no further answer.