HC Deb 15 February 1867 vol 185 cc400-1

I shall be glad if the right hon. Gentleman opposite (Mr. Walpole) will state to the House, What information he has received from Ireland since yesterday respecting the events which are passing in that country?


The information which I have received since yesterday is this. The armed bodies whom I mentioned yesterday as marching upon Killarney doubled back when they were within fourteen miles of that town, and then went to Toomies Wood. Brigadier General Horsford had so large a force that he was not merely able to follow them, but, I believe, he also expected to be able to surround the wood; and therefore it may be considered that this movement at any rate is now pretty nearly, if not quite, put a stop to. No other intelligence has reached the Home Office of an authentic kind, excepting that the information which comes from the Irish Government adds emphatically that it may be considered that the present movement in the southwestern part of Ireland is completely arrested.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether the telegraphic wires have been cut in different places, as is stated in the public papers?


I have seen it stated in the public papers that such is the case, but I have myself received no information to that effect, and therefore I cannot say one way or the other.


Can the right hon. Gentleman state whether there is any foundation for the statement that the Fenians were as numerous as 800?


No telegram that I have received has mentioned the number, and I am unwilling to state anything from mere conjecture.