HC Deb 14 February 1867 vol 185 c342

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he proposes to institute any inquiry into the case of the ship North, lost on the Goodwin Sands last autumn; and, if so, whether he will engage that the inquiry shall extend to the cause of the wreck in the first instance; and that, with regard to the subsequent proceedings, full opportunity shall be given to the boatmen and other inhabitants of Deal to answer the accusations made against them in the public press and elsewhere?


said, that the Board of Trade had received from the Committee of Lloyd's a formal complaint of the circumstances attending the loss of the North. He had directed that an inquiry should take place. That inquiry had been committed to Mr. Montagu Bere, and letters had been addressed to the hon. Member and his colleague, and others interested, stating what course the inquiry would take. The inquiry would be open, and every opportunity would be given to the inhabitants of Deal to adduce any evidence they desired to give. He did not perceive that there was any occasion for extending the inquiry to the cause of the wreck; that question appeared to be in no way connected with the plunder of the vessel. If it should appear that a second inquiry was desirable it could be instituted.