HC Deb 06 February 1867 vol 185 c78

said, the Home Secretary would probably be able to answer a Question, of which he had privately given him notice—namely, Whether it is his intention to bring in any Bill based on the Report of the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment; and, if so, whether that Bill will contain clauses as to the mode of carrying out capital punishment?


said, the Bill of last year did not come down from the House of Lords till nearly the close of the Session. The Government, exercising the best judgment upon the subject of which they were capable, thought it ought to be amended in point of form. But he could now inform his hon. Friend that two Bills had been already prepared, having for their object to separate the two distinct branches of the subject—namely, one relating to the law of murder, the other to the mode in which capital offences are to be carried into execution. The two Bills would shortly be introduced, and hon. Members would have an opportunity of considering their provisions.


wanted to know whether the Government had any Bill prepared founded upon the Report of the Commission on Oaths and Declarations.


No; there is no Bill prepared at the present moment, because the Commission has not as yet made its Report.