HC Deb 05 December 1867 vol 190 c606

said, he would now beg to ask the right hon. Gentleman, Whether the Government intend to issue any Regulations informing Chambers of Commerce how they can make use of the 23rd section of the Companies Act, passed last Session?


Yes, Sir, the Board of Trade have nearly completed a form of procedure which they think best fitted for this object. It consists of a draught memorandum of association, and draught articles of association, which will, with an explanatory letter, be printed, and sent to the various Chambers of Commerce, and which will, without binding the Board of Trade or the Chambers to every detail, serve, I think, to indicate generally the course which should be adopted. If the Chambers enrol themselves as Associations limited by guarantee, instead of as Companies limited by shares, they will avoid expense and trouble, and sufficiently distinguish themselves from Trading Companies.