HC Deb 05 December 1867 vol 190 c635

LORD ROBERT MONTAGU moved for leave to bring in a Bill to give powers for the establishment in the metropolis or its immediate neighbourhood of a Foreign Cattle Market. He said, his object in introducing the Bill now was that it might be before the country during the Recess. He should propose to take the second reading immediately after the Recess, and refer the Bill to a Select Committee. The object of the Bill was to give power in the first instance to the City Corporation to construct a separate market for foreign animals. If they refused to undertake it, the matter would be put into the hands of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and they would receive power to raise the necessary funds. Failing them, it would be placed in the hands of five Commissioners to be named by Her Majesty.

Motion agreed to.

Bill for the Establishment of a Foreign Cattle Market for the Metropolis; and for other purposes connected therewith, ordered to be brought in by Lord ROBERT MONTAGU and Mr. HUNT.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 25.]

House adjourned at Seven o'clock.