HC Deb 15 August 1867 vol 189 c1560

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. Phocion Foster, farmer, of North Currey, a prisoner in Taunton Gaol for non-payment of 15s.d. Church Rate, £147 6s.d. costs, and £1 15s. for a monition—total, £149 16s.d.; and to the case of Mr. James Brighton Grant, a prisoner since 15th of March last in White Cross Street Prison for £1 13s. Church Rate, and £257 costs, as stated in his Petition to this House on 6th June last; and, whether the Government will adopt measures for the early release of these prisoners?


The attention of Her Majesty's Government has not been drawn to the circumstances of these two cases except by the inquiry of the hon. Gentleman. They have not been brought under the notice either of the Treasury or of the Secretary of State, and therefore I can only say that it appears to me the persons who complain of their grievances have been very ill-advised by their professional assistants.