HC Deb 09 August 1867 vol 189 c1222

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If he does not consider that it would facilitate the release of the Abyssinian Captives to have an English gentleman of position and experience to perform the duties of English Consul at Massowah, instead of a German gentleman, who acts as agent both for the French and English Governments?


Apart, Sir, from this Question of the prisoners, there are really no consular duties to be performed at Massowah. The only object of having an agent there is to keep up communications with these unfortunate gentlemen. As the hon. Gentleman and the House know, the conduct of affairs relating to their liberation has been left very much in the hands of Colonel Merewether, the Resident at Aden, and I believe he is perfectly satisfied with the qualifications of the present Consul, and the manner in which he has performed his duties.