§ MR. LIDDELLsaid, he wished to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether the Irish Government are taking steps to remove the prohibitory restrictions upon the importation into Ireland of North Country Sheep, in accordance with the prayer of a Memorial recently addressed to the Chief Secretary by the Farmers and Stockmasters of Northumberland, setting forth the injury inflicted upon them by the continuance of this prohibition, which does not apply to Scotland?
LORD NAASsaid, in reply, that the Government were considering whether it was advisable to extend the same permission which was given some months ago for the importation of Scotch sheep into Ireland to sheep from the Border Counties of England; and he hoped that in the course of a week an Order in Council would be issued for that purpose. For the present this permission would only be extended to Northumberland and Cumberland, and it would be necessary that sheep sent to Ireland from these counties should go from ports in the counties, or from Scotch ports.