§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—On Ecclesiastical Titles and Roman Catholic Relief Acts Committee. [No. 503.]
§ SUPPLY — considered in Committee — Resolution [August 1] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Railways (Ireland).*
§ First Reading—Railways (Ireland)* [298].
§ Committee—Courts of Law Fees, &c.* [287]; Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings [14] [R.P]; Public Health (Scotland)* (re-comm.) [284]; Turnpike Acts Continuance [232]; Quinagh 753 and Parsonstown Drainage* [294]; Recovery of certain Debts (Scotland)* [220]; Trusts (Scotland)* (re-comm.)* [266].
§ Report—Courts of Law Fees, &c.* [287]; Public Health (Scotland)* (re-comm.) [284]; Turnpike Acts Continuance [232]; Quinagh and Parsonstown Drainage* [294]; Recovery of Certain Debts (Scotland)* [220 &c 296]; Trusts (Scotland)* (re-comm.) [266 & 297].
§ Considered as amended—Courts of Law Fees, &c.* [287]; Court of Chancery Officers* [235]; Factory Acts Extension* [236]; Consecration and Ordination Fees* [256]; Guarantee of Government Officers* [283].
§ Third Reading—Courts of Law Fees, &c.* [287]: Inland Revenue* [239]; Dominica Loan* [291]; Local Government Supplemental (No. 6)* [244]; Prorogation of Parliament* [277]; Naval Stores (No. 2)* [289]; Militia Pay*; Quinagh and Parsonstown Drainage* [294]; Guarantee of Government Officers* [283], and passed.
§ The House met at Twelve of the Clock.