HC Deb 08 April 1867 vol 186 c1318

Order for Committee read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair."


said, he wished to ask for some explanation of the intentions of the Government, Money had been lent upon insufficient security. Owing to the system of keeping accounts in the Government Departments, Irishmen were represented as debtors to the extent of £2,000,000, though they had honestly met such liabilities as were fairly chargeable to them.


said, the object of the measure he sought leave to introduce was to compound a debt now due from the Limerick Harbour Trustees to the Treasury. The Government were in the position of mortgagees in possession for a debt of £173,000 and interest £56,000, amounting together to £230,000, a burden which completely weighed down the resources of the port, and rendered them incapable of development. The late Government had proposed conditions which the Harbour Commissioners found it impossible to comply with. In the Bill which he would ask leave to introduce provision would be made to compound a debt for an annuity extending over a long period.

Considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

Resolved, That it is expedient to authorise the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to compound the Public Debt and Interest due by the Limerick harbour Commissioners, and to make arrangements for the payment of the amount for which such Debt is to be compounded, and for the transfer of Wellesley Bridge, in the City of Limerick, to the Commissioners of Public Works.

House resumed.

Resolution to be reported To-morrow.