§ MR. STONEsaid, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, whether the Order in Council of the 21st March 1862, forming distinct lists of officers for the Royal Marine Artillery and Royal Marine Light Infantry respectively, and providing that after those lists shall have been formed no more inter- 1103 changes by promotion from one corps to the other should be allowed is still in force; whether, in the opinion of the Board of Admiralty, such Orders in Council are to be construed as strictly as other Laws, or may be set aside at the discretion of the Board for any reason whatever; and, whether in his opinion the recent promotions of a Colonel from the Royal Marine Artillery to be General in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, and of an officer in the Royal Marine Light Infantry to be General in the Royal Marine Artillery, were in accordance with the Order of March 21st 1862; and, if not, whether it is the intention of the Board of Admiralty to return those officers to the branches of the Service to which they were assigned under that Order in Council?
MR. CORRY, in reply, said, that the Order in Council of the 21st March, 1862, forming distinct lists of officers for the Royal Marine Artillery and the Royal Marine Light Infantry, and providing that after those lists should have been formed no more interchanges by promotion from one corps to the other should be allowed, was still in force, and that in the opinion of the Admiralty such Order was to be construed as strictly as other laws. He would add that the recent promotions of a Colonel from the Royal Marine Artillery to be General in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, and the transfer of a General Officer in the Royal Marine Light Infantry to be General in the Royal Marine Artillery, were not at variance with the Order in Council of 1862.