HC Deb 04 April 1867 vol 186 c1107

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, What arrangements have been made with the Government of Japan relative to the European garrison at Yokuhama; at what strength it is proposed that such garrison should be maintained; whether it is intended to be permanent; and whether there would be any objection to laying the Correspondence upon the subject upon the table of the House?


said, in reply, that the arrangements which had been made with the Government of Japan relative to the European forces stationed there, extended over a considerable period. It was, he thought, in January, 1864, that two companies of infantry were first landed there, and in May of the same year further reinforcements were applied for. Under the management of Sir Rutherford Alcock, our Minister there, the arrangements had been carried out with great good will, the Japanese Government undertaking to provide barrack accommodation. In March of last year the War Office informed Lord Clarendon that under existing circumstances it would not be prudent to leave less than a full regiment in Japan. Since that time the force had remained there without any demand from the Japanese Government for their withdrawal, or any intimation that their presence was objectionable. The arrangement was of a temporary character, but the strength of the force there must necessarily depend upon the state of the country. There were not many Papers on the subject, and he had no objection to lay them upon the table.