HC Deb 28 May 1866 vol 183 c1312

said, he wished to ask, Why the special pay of Constables on Duty at the Houses of Parliament, which was fixed by Sir James Graham at 7s., had been reduced to 5s. per week?


said, in reply, that when the special pay of these officers was fixed at 7s. the pay of the classes of constables to which they belonged was only 21s. per week. Since then the pay of those classes had been raised to 22s. and 23s. per week, and as the reception of a smaller rate of pay would injure the constables employed about the Houses of Parliament in the matter of superannuation, their regular pay had been raised to the same amount as that of the class to which they belonged, and their special pay had been diminished, so as still to leave them in the reception of 28s. per week, which was considered an adequate remuneration for the services which they performed.