HC Deb 24 May 1866 vol 183 c1199

said, he wished to inquire of the hon. Gentleman the Member for Buckingham, who had a Motion relative to Fire and Marine Insurances, on the Motion for the Second Reading of the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill, and the hon. Member for Dudley, who had a similar Motion on the Second Reading of the Terminable Annuities Bill, Whether, as it would be inconvenient to have two discussions on the same subject, one discussion could not answer the purpose of both hon. Gentlemen?


said, in reply, that if he carried his Motion the subject would be disposed of, and there would then be no necessity for their discussing the Motion of the hon. Member for Dudley. If the surplus was appropriated in the manner he suggested there would be no necessity for their considering it in the way suggested by the Government.


said, it was his intention of proceeding with his Amendment, as he believed the subject would more properly be considered in connection with the Terminable Annuities Bill.