HC Deb 01 May 1866 vol 183 c279

, in moving to introduce a Bill to amend the law in England and Wales with reference to the Assessment of Mines to the relief of the Poor, said, that as he understood the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Board of Trade had no objection to its introduction, he should reserve any observations he had to make upon it until the second reading.


said, he regretted that the hon. Gentleman should, at this time more especially, when the mining interest was in such a depressed state, bring in such a Bill. It should be remembered that three Bills, which had been brought in before with the same object, had failed, because the opinion of the House was that this description of property was of too speculative a nature to be rated. He should be happy to meet the hon. Gentleman on the whole question of rating, but he was at a loss to know why the mining interest alone any more than timber, young plantations, and even shipping, should be the object of the hon. Member's attack. He should feel it to be his duty, representing, as he did, the mining interest, to oppose the further progress of the Bill at every stage.

Motion agreed to.

Bill to amend the Law in England and Wales with reference to the Assessment of Mines to the Relief of the Poor, ordered to be brought in by Mr. STEPHEN CAVE, Mr. HENDERSON, Mr. PEROY WYNDHAM, and Mr. W. E. DUNCOMBE.