HC Deb 22 March 1866 vol 182 cc816-7

said, that in the last Parliament Mr. Cobbett moved for the appointment of a Select Committee on the Law of Master and Servant. As that Gentleman was not in the present Parliament, the Secretary of the Association of Working Men, a body formed for the purpose of bringing about an amendment in that law, had requested him to move for the appointment of the Committee this Session. He therefore begged to move for the appointment of a Select Committee on Law of Master and Servant.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the state of the Law as regards contracts of Service between Master and Servant, and as to the expediency of amending the same."—(Lord Elcho.)

And, on May 8, Select Committee nominated as follows:—Sir JAMES FERGUSSON, Colonel WILSON PATTEN, Mr. JACKSON, Mr. Alderman SALOMONS, Mr. M'LAGAN, LORD GROSVENOR, Mr. GEORGE, Mr. SOLICITOR GENERAL, Mr. GATHORNE HARDY, Mr. DALGLISH, Mr. ALGERNON EGERTON, Mr. GEORGE CLIVE, Mr. FAWCETT, Mr. EDMUND POTTER, and LORD ELCHO: Power to semi for persons, papers, and records. Five to be the quorum