§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Controverted Elections—Chairmen's Panel; six Members added.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Contagious Diseases Prevention Act Amendment *; Lunacy Acts Amendment (Scotland). *
§ First Reading—Inns of Court * [83]; Commons (Metropolis) * [84]; Lunacy Acts Amendment (Scotland) * [85]; Contagious Disorders Prevention Act Amendment * [86].
§ Second Reading—Tests Abolition (Oxford) [15]; New Forest Poor Relief * [57]; Ecclesiastical Leases (Isle of Man) * [80].
§ Referred to Select Committee—New Forest Poor Relief * [57].
§ Considered as amended—East India Military, &c., Funds Transfer * [75].
§ Third Reading—Dockyard Extensions Act Amendment * [77]; County Courts * [47]; Sheriff Court Houses (Scotland) Act (1860) Amendment * [].