HC Deb 21 March 1866 vol 182 cc715-6

House informed that the Committee had determined— That Thomas Tarry, esquire, is not duly elected a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Boston. That Meaburn Staniland, esquire, is duly elected, and ought to have been returned a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Boston. And the said Determinations were ordered to be entered in the Journals of this House. House further informed that the Committee had altered the poll taken at such Election by striking off the names of James Harvey, Robert Jackson, John Anderson Stocks, Henry Darley, Edwin Clarke, John Torfleet Sneath, and Benjamin Booth, as not having had a right to vote at such Election: Also of John Hewison, Michael Cammack, William Green, Solomon Brummett, Zachariah Hipkin, Joseph Wharf, and Richard Kirkham, it having been proved that they had received money for the purpose of influencing their Votes at such Election: House further informed, that the Committee had agreed to the following Resolutions:— That it was proved to the Committee, That the said John Hewison had been bribed with the payment of £7: Michael Cammack, Solomon Brummett, Joseph Wharf, and Richard Kirkham, with the payment of £5 respectively: Zachariah Hipkin with the payment of £6: And William Green with the payment of £1 before and £4 after the Election; but that it was not proved that such bribery was committed with the knowledge or consent of the said Thomas Parry, esquire, or his Agents.

Report to lie upon the Table.

Clerk of the Crown to attend To-morrow, to amend the Return.