HC Deb 26 June 1866 vol 184 c693

SUPPLY considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)


in moving a Vote on account, to the amount of £1,450,000, for Customs Salaries and Expenses, Inland Revenue, Post Office, Superannuations, and Post Office Packet Service, said, that the passing of that Vote would not pledge the Committee to any of the details of the Estimates.


said, that he accepted the Vote upon the understanding that the House was not thereby pledged to the adoption of any of the arrangements contemplated by the Government.

Vote agreed to.

Resolved, That a sum not exceeding £1,450,000 be granted to Her Majesty, on Account, for or towards defraying the Charge of the following Civil Services to the 31st day of March 1867:—

Customs, Salaries and Expenses 200,000
Inland Revenue 300,000
Post Office 600,000
Superannuations, &c., of the Customs, Inland Revenue, and Post Office Departments 120,000
Post Office Packet Service 230,000
[No part of which sum is to be applicable or applied in or to-wards making any payment in respect of any period subsequent to the 20th day of June 1863, to Mr. Joseph George Churchward, or to any person claiming through or under him by virtue of a certain Contract bearing date the 26th day of April 1859, made between the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Admiralty (for and on behalf of Her Majesty) of the first part, and the said Joseph George Churchward of the second part, or in or to-wards the satisfaction of any claim whatsoever of the said Joseph George Churcbward, by virtue of that Contract, so far as relates to any period subsequent to the 20th day of June 1863] £1,450,000

House resumed.

Resolution to be reported upon Thursday; Committee to sit again upon Friday.

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