HC Deb 26 June 1866 vol 184 c683

said, he would beg to ask the President of the Poor Law Board, Whether any steps are being taken towards the establishment of some system of supervision of the Sick Wards in Metropolitan Workhouses, whereby the painful circumstances recently disclosed may be prevented from recurring, pending the result of Dr. Smith's inquiry; and whether the result of Mr. Farnall's visits and investigations will be laid upon the table?


said, he had to apologize to the hon. Member for Brighton (Mr. Fawcett) for having requested him to postpone the Question of which he had given notice, not having been certain of being in the House; but being here now, and as his Question had been put by another hon. Member, he begged to tell him that a very full official and medical inquiry had been instituted by the Government into the state of the infirmaries of the metropolitan workhouses, and this inquiry was now complete. The Report, indeed, was already on the table of the House, and he believed that this very important subject must soon receive the serious consideration of the Legislature.