HC Deb 14 June 1866 vol 184 c380

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether Her Majesty's Government have received any information respecting the rumoured invasion of a portion of British America by an armed force, which is reported to have entered from the United States?


I have received, Sir, a despatch from Lord Monck, dated the 1st instant, in which he says— A body of 600 Fenians entered this Province this morning. They crossed the Niagara River at Black Rock, near Buffalo, in the State of New York, and established themselves in the village of Fort Erie, in Canada. I am now occupied in taking measures for meeting the emergency. In a private note Lord Monck mentions that by the next mail he expects to send a satisfactory account of the reception given to the Fenians.


said, he would beg to ask the right hon. Gentleman, whether any account has been received showing a desire on the part of the American Government to carry out in a fair spirit their international obligations in respect of this raid of the Fenians?


I have communicated to the House all the official information on the subject in my possession. I have no reason to doubt that all the accounts which have been familiar to everyone are perfectly true.