HC Deb 20 July 1866 vol 184 c1165

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, If he would object to lay before the House the Report of the Committee presided over by Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Milne relative to the Medical Officers of the Army and Navy; and whether it is intended to adopt the recommendations of the Commission in favour of the Medical Officers of the Army?


said, in reply, that there could be no objection to lay the Report of the Committee on the table. It had, in fact, been moved for that very evening, and granted as an unopposed Return. It was not only the intention of the Government to adopt the recommendations of the Commission in favour of the medical officers, but to go beyond them. There would be no additional pay given this year, as it had not been provided for in the Estimates. It would not be necessary to publish a Warrant in order to introduce the new regulations.