HC Deb 20 February 1866 vol 181 c816

said, he would beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, Whether the horses of the Carabineers were moved on their route to Ireland in cattle trucks; and, if so, whether any measures were previously taken to disinfect those trucks from the seeds of the Cattle Plague?


said, in reply, that from information he had received he found that the horses of the Carabineers were not conveyed in cattle trucks. He was informed by the authorities at the Horse Guards that arrangements had been made for the conveyance of troop horses to Ireland in horse boxes, and not in cattle trucks. In consequence of the Question of the hon. Gentleman he had communicated with the authorities of the London and North-Western Railway Company, who had informed him that in case of their having to convey cavalry horses in cattle trucks care would first be taken to disinfect and cleanse them by washing them with chloride of lime, and adopting the necessary precautions in conformity with the circular they had issued to all the managers of their traffic.