§ SIR JOHN PAKINGTONI wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Board of Trade a Question of which I have not given him notice—namely, Whether it is true that counsel, who appeared on behalf of the relatives of persons lost in the London, at the inquiry into the melancholy circumstances of the loss of that ship, retired from the investigation on the ground that he was forbidden to cross-examine witnesses; and I beg further to ask, whether, if it be true, the right hon. Gentleman is of opinion that such an inquiry can be attended with beneficial results as regards the future safety of Her Majesty's subjects travelling by sea?
§ MR. MILNER GIBSONI have not received any information on the subject to which the right hon. Baronet refers. I shall, however, make inquiries, and give the right hon. Baronet a full reply on a future day.