§ MR. BAXTERsaid, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, If it is true that damage has been done to the Breakwater at Alderney, which it will take at least £50,000 to repair, and if 561 serious apprehensions are entertained for the safety of a larger portion of that valuable structure?
MR. PEELstated, in reply, that in the last Papers respecting Harbours of Refuge, presented the other day, the hon. Gentleman would find an account of the damage upon the occasion of these storms. It appeared that the masonry walls of the Breakwater had breached in two places of considerable length two feet below the level of the sea at low water. No damage had been done to the base upon which the wall was built, the most important part of these breakwaters, and no apprehensions were entertained, as far as he was aware, for the safety and stability of the structure. The cost of the repairs had been estimated at £15,000, but the cost to the public would not be so much, as the contractor was liable for any damage till the breakwater was completed, except in the case of damage arising from great storms, in which case he was liable to pay one-half.