§ Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the circumstances under which, and the Parties by whom, the signatures were annexed to the Petitions relating to the case of Prince Azeem Jah, presented during the present Session."
§ Ordered, That the said Petitions be referred to the Committee.—(Mr. Charles Forster.)
§ And, on March 24, Committee nominated as follows:—
§ Mr. CHARLES FORSTER, Mr. BONHAM-CARTER, Sir JAMES FERGUSSON, Major GAVIN, Mr. LYALL, 188 Mr. TAVERNER JOHN MILLER, Sir COLMAN O'LOGHLEN, Mr. HASTINGS RUSSELL, Mr. Alderman SALOMONS, Mr. OWEN STANLEY, Sir FITZROY KELLY, Mr. HENNESSY, and Mr. Cox:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.
§ House adjourned at Two o'clock.