MR. DAWSONsaid, in the absence of his hon. Friend (Sir Hervey Bruce), he would beg to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether he does not consider it would be advisable to give to the Constabulary, instead of the Excise, directions to prosecute such persons as shoot or sell game without a certificate or licence, as they have better means of obtaining information than the Excise, and already perform the duties of Revenue Police as regards spirits and fishery licenses?
§ SIR ROBERT PEELsaid, in reply, that by the 6 Will. IV. the Irish Constabulary were prohibited from enforcing Acts for the preservation of game and fish, except in cases where there was reason to apprehend possible resistance or a breach of the peace. That prohibition had been withdrawn as regarded fish, but with respect to game the police were legally incapable of interfering in the manner suggested, and if they were authorized to interfere in the way proposed by the hon. Member, there would be danger of the Constabulary becoming gamekeepers, and that was a state of things that might lead to unpleasant results.