HC Deb 16 March 1865 vol 177 cc1738-9

said, he rose to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty, Why the Men in Devonport Dockyard are not paid in money for the extra hours they work instead of getting holiday time in lieu thereof; what number of hours' extra time the men worked last year, and what holidays they were compelled to take in lieu thereof?


said, in reply, that the artificers and labourers in the dockyards, when employed on extra time, were as a rule paid for such employment. There were, however, certain exceptions. Occasionally the workmen asked for a holiday—the great majority being desirous of it—and applied to be allowed to work it out in extra time before taking the holiday. There were no doubt cases in which a minority would rather not have the holiday; but it was quite clear that the yards could not be kept open, and all the fires burning on account of them. They had. therefore, to give way to the wishes of the great majority. There were occasional cases also in which the men were obliged to work extra time—tidal time; for instance, when a ship was being put into dock, or taken out, it was absolutely necessary that the men should be employed extra time, but then they were allowed time by way of holiday the following day. He was not aware that any complaints upon the subject had been received from the dockyards. He could not state exactly what number of hours the men had been so employed, but he would make inquiries.