HC Deb 14 March 1865 vol 177 c1662

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he has received any communication from the War Office on the subject of relieving Volunteer Officers from liability of service on juries; and if he is prepared to take steps with a view so to relieve such Officers in consideration of the time devoted by them to their duties as Volunteers?


said, he would reply to the Question of the hon. Member. It had been stated a few days ago to the War Office by certain Volunteer officers that officers of the militia were exempted from serving on juries, and that Volunteer officers should have the same advantage. Lord De Grey thereupon said that inquiry should be made into the facts, and if it were found that militia officers were really exempted from serving on juries, representations on the subject should be made to the Home Office. It was not, however, clear that militia officers were so exempted, but the matter was under consideration.