HC Deb 28 June 1865 vol 180 c915

Order for Second Reading read.


said, he regretted he was obliged to move that the Order for the Second Reading of this Bill be discharged. He did so owing to the fact that the Report of the Capital Punishment Commission had not yet been presented to the House. He might be permitted to state that a wrong impression seemed to be prevalent as to the nature of the Bill. It was not intended to authorize what were called private executions. On the contrary, the sheriff would have power under it to admit as many of the public to be present at executions as he should think fit; and certificates from the prison officials would be given that the sentence of death had been duly carried out in each case. If he should have the honour of a seat in the next Parliament, he would re-introduce the Bill.

Order discharged.

Bill withdrawn.

House adjourned at One o'clock.