HC Deb 26 June 1865 vol 180 c824

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Poor Law Board, Whether any steps have been, or will be, taken by the Board to ascertain that Dr. Kennard, medical officer of the Highworth Union has discontinued to employ his assistant, which was animadverted on and forbidden in the Secretary's letter to Dr. Kennard, dated the 19th of April, 1865?


said, in reply, that in March last the Poor Law Board received a request from the Board of Guardians of the Highworth Union complaining of the neglect of their medical officer, and asking that an inquiry might be instituted into his conduct. Upon a review of the evidence it appeared that, although the visits of the medical officer were not frequent, his conduct did not require any particular censure. His assistant did not possess any legal qualification, and the Board pointed out the impropriety of his conduct in employing such a person, and a copy of the letter was sent to the Board of Guardians. It was not customary for the Board to inquire whether their directions had been carried out, as it was presumed that the Guardians would act upon them. He believed that no further complaint had been made respecting Dr. Kennard, but if any dissatisfaction should hereafter arise it would be the duty of the Board to make further inquiry.