§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Open Spaces (Metropolis); Expiring Laws.
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—Resolutions [June 19] reported.
§ WAYS AND MEANS—considered in Committee.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee —Excise Acts; County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction (Judges' Salaries); Bank Notes Issue (Scotland); Compound Spirits Warehousing.
527§ Second Reading—Local Government Supplemental (No. 5)*[209]; Turnpike Trusts Arrangements*[225]; Turnpike Acts Continuance*[227]; Colonial Docks Loans [226].
§ Committee —Fire Brigade (Metropolis) [153]; Harwich Harbour (re-comm.)* [214]; Carriers Act Amendment*[224]; Roads and Bridges (Scotland)(re-comm.) [165]; Falmouth Borough*[200]; Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act (1856) Amendment [219]; Ulster Canal Transfer*[211]; War Department Tramway (Devon)*[Lords] [204].
§ Report—Fire Brigade (Metropolis) [153]; Harwich Harbour*(re-comm.) [214]; Carriers Act Amendment*[224]; Roads and Bridges (Scotland) (re-comm.) [165]; Falmouth Borough*[200]; Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act (1856) Amendment [219]; Ulster Canal Transfer*[211]; War Department Tramway (Devon)*[Lords] [204].
§ Considered as amended —Inland Revenue*[207]; National Gallery (Dublin)*[203]; Salmon Fishery Act (1861) Amendment [220].
§ Third Reading —Greenwich Hospital*[212]; Fortifications (Provision for Expenses)*[215]; Malt Duty*[160]; Harbours Transfer*[216]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2)*[222]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 3)*[223]; Trusts Administration (Scotland)*[158]; Record of Title (Ireland)*[Lords] [217]; Wick and Ayr Burghs Election*[165].
§ Withdrawn— Turnpike Tolls Abolition [128]; Railway Construction Facilities Act (1864) Amendment [37].
§ The House met at Twelve of the clock.