HC Deb 01 June 1865 vol 179 c1120

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, What information he can give the House concerning the War in Bhootan?


, in reply, said, he apprehended the state of the case to be this—Certain posts had been occupied before the winter. One of them had been attacked, and, he must say, very disgracefully abandoned; but it had since been retaken. It had not, however, been thought advisable to re-occupy it during the rainy season. A second post had been abandoned without having been attacked; but it also had been very gallantly retaken by the force. He believed it was not intended to occupy that at present, either. The information on these subjects was very incomplete, and he was unable to make out exactly what had been done. The European troops had been re-called, except a small portion of artillery, and every precaution had been taken toinsurc the health of the troops.