HC Deb 06 July 1865 vol 180 c1184

In order to the Electing and Summoning the Sixteen Peers of Scotland.


WHEREAS We have in Our Council thought fit to declare Our Pleasure for summoning and holding a Parliament of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on Tuesday the Fifteenth Day of August next ensuing the Date hereof: In order, therefore, to the electing and summoning the Sixteen Peers of Scotland who are to sit in the House of Peers in the said Parliament, We do, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, issue forth this Our Royal Proclamation, strictly charging and commanding all the Peers of Scotland to assemble and meet at Holyrood House in Edinburgh, on Friday the Twenty-eighth Day of July instant, between the Hours of Twelve and Two in the Afternoon, to nominate and choose the Sixteen Peers to sit and vote in the House of Peers in the said ensuing Parliament, by open Election and Plurality of Voices of the Peers that shall be then present, and of the Proxies of such as shall be absent (such Proxies being Peers, and producing a Mandate in Writing duly signed before Witnesses, and both the Constituent and Proxy being qualified according to Law): And the Lord Clerk Register, or such Two of the Principal Clerks of the Session as shall be appointed by him to officiate in his Name, are hereby respectively required to attend such Meeting, and to administer the Oaths required by Law to be taken there by the said Peers, and to take their Votes; and immediately after such Election made and duly examined, to certify the Names of the Sixteen Peers so elected, and to sign and attest the same in the Presence of the said Peers the Electors, and return such Certificate into Our High Court of Chancery of Great Britain: And We do, by this Our Royal Proclamation, strictly command and require the Provost of Edinburgh, and all other the Magistrates of the said City, to take especial Care to preserve the Peace thereof during the Time of the said Election, and to prevent all Manner of Riots, Tumults, Disorders, and Violence whatsoever; And We strictly charge and command that this Our Royal Proclamation be duly published at the Market Cross at Edinburgh, and in all the County Towns of Scotland, Ten Days at least before the Time hereby appointed for the Meeting of the said Peers to proceed to such Election.

Witness Ourselves at Windsor, this Sixth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and in the Twenty-ninth Year of Our Reign.