HC Deb 25 April 1865 vol 178 c1000

Bill further considered.

SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL moved that the following clause be added to the Bill:— Article 15 of the said agreement scheduled to this Act is hereby annulled; and if the main culverts are not completed in the manner defined in Article 8 of the said agreement within the time prescribed in that behalf by this Act, then, notwithstanding anything in the said agreement or in this Act, the concession made by the said agreement shall at the expiration of that time absolutely cease and determine; and Article 25 of the said agreement scheduled to this Act is altered by extending the power of the Board to inspect the vouchers to the books of account therein mentioned. He thought the clause would meet the objections that were raised to the passing of the Bill before the Easter recess.


said, that this clause was intended to carry out what was understood to be the wishes of all parties—namely, that in the event of the promoters of this scheme not being able to complete it within the time allowed by Parliament they should have no claim upon the ratepayers for indemnity, and they should proceed upon the merits of the scheme and at their own risk. The clause also provided that the Metropolitan Board should have full liberty to inspect the books and papers of the promoters. With this additional clause he did not think the Bill was further objectionable.

Clause added.

Bill to be read 3°.