HC Deb 07 April 1865 vol 178 c956

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the state of the Law as regards Contracts of Service between Master and Servant, and as to the expediency of amending the same."—(Mr. Cobbett.)

And, on Friday, May 19, Committee nominated as follows:—Lord ELCHO, Mr. COBBETT, Mr. SOLICITOR GENERAL, Sir JAMES FERGUSSON, Mr. DALGLISH, Mr. GATHORNE HARDY, Mr. EDMUND POTTER, Lord STANLEY, Mr. WILLIAM EDWARD FORSTER, Mr. HENNESSY, Mr. ROEBUCK, Mr. LOWE, Mr. JACKSON, Mr. ALGERNON EGERTON, Mr. Alderman SALOMONS, Mr. CLIVE, and Mr. Cox: Power to send for persons, papers, and records:—Five to be the quorum.