§ MR. DILLWYN, in moving the appointment of a Select Committee to inquire as to the most suitable arrangements to be made respecting the Patent Office Library and Museum, said, that he had communicated with the noble Lord the Member for King's Lynn (Lord Stanley) the Chairman of the Patent Law Commission, who had informed him that he saw no objection to the appointment of this Committee before the Report of that Commission had been presented.
MR. COWPERthought that it would be both inconvenient and disrespectful to the Patent Law Commission that this Committee should be appointed before their Report, which might shortly be expected, was received. He, therefore, could not assent to the Motion.
§ MR. GREGORYwished to hear further particulars from the Government, for the House ought to have more precise knowledge before deciding on the subject. He thought it would be well to wait for the Report of the Commission.
§ MR. AYRTONsaid, that as the noble Lord the Member for King's Lynn had stated that this Committee would not interfere with the proceedings of the Commission, the fact that that Commission had not yet reported was no reason for delaying its appointment.
THE ATTORNEY GENERALsaid, that although the appointment of this Committee might not interfere with the proceedings of the Patent Law Commission, yet when that Commission reported there would be a great many subjects connected with patents which must necessarily be considered, and it would be convenient to consider them all together. It would, therefore, be better to postpone the appointment of this Committee.
Motion made, and Question put,
That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire as to the most suitable arrangements to be made respecting the Patent Office Library and Museum."—(Mr. Dillwyn.)
§ The House divided:—Ayes 21; Noes 16: Majority 5.
§ On May 23, Committee nominated as follows:—
§ MR. DILLWYN, Mr. COWPER, Mr. GREGORY, Mr. KNIGHT, Lord ROBERT CECIL, Lord HENRY LENNOX, Mr. AYRTON, Mr. AUGUSTUS SMITH, Lord 246 ELOHO, Mr. WALDRON, Mr. ADDERLEY, Mr. WALTER, Mr. CALTHORPE, Mr. HOLFORD, and Mr. FRANCIS SHARP POWELL:— Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.
§ And, on May 27, Mr. HOLFORD discharged and Mr. HUMPHERY added.