§ Civil Service Estimates, Class I., considered in Committee.
§ (In the Committee.)
MR. PEELsaid, he had to move a Vote of £1,256,000, on account of the Civil Service Estimates. It was absolutely necessary to pass the Vote before the House separated for the Easter recess.
§ £1,866,000, on account of certain Civil Services:—
Class I. | |
Royal Palaces | £12,000 |
Public Buildings | 30,000 |
Furniture of Public Offices | 5,000 |
Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens | 25,000 |
New Houses of Parliament | 10,000 |
British Embassy Houses Abroad | 1,000 |
New Foreign Office, Buildings | 20,000 |
Probate Court Registries | 3,000 |
General Register House, Edinburgh | 1,000 |
Public Record Repository | 7,000 |
Westminster Bridge Approaches | 5,000 |
New Westminster Bridge | 3,000 |
Holyhead Harbour | 10,000 |
Public Buildings, Ireland | 25,000 |
New Record Buildings, Dublin | 5,000 |
Rates for Government Property | 7,000 |
Class II. | |
Two Houses of Parliament, Offices | 18,000 |
Treasury | 14,000 |
Home Office | 7,000 |
Foreign Office | 19,000 |
Colonial Office | 8,000 |
Privy Council Office | 7,000 |
Board of Trade, &c. | 17,000 |
Privy Seal Office | 1,000 |
Civil Service Commission | 3,000 |
Paymaster General's Office | 5,000 |
Exchequer (London) | 2,000 |
Office of Works and Public Buildings | 9,000 |
Office of Woods, Forests & Land Revenues | 8,000 |
Public Records, &c. | 6,000 |
Poor Law Commissions | 20,000 |
Mint, including Coinage | 14,000 |
Inspectors of Factories, Fisheries, &c | 9,000 |
Exchequer and other Offices in Scotland | 2,000 |
Household of Lord Lieutenant, Ireland | 2,000 |
Chief Secretary, Ireland, Offices | 5,000 |
Inspection, &c., of Lunatic Asylums, Ireland | 1,000 |
Office of Public Works, Ireland | 6,000 |
Audit Office | 9,000 |
Copyhold, Tithe, and Inclosure Commission | 5,000 |
Ditto, Imprest Expenses | 4,000 |
General Register Offices, England, Ireland, and Scotland | 17,000 |
National Debt Office | 4,000 |
Public Works Loan Commission & West India Relief Commission | 1,000 |
Lunacy Commissions | 2,000 |
Registrars of Friendly Societies | 1,000 |
Charity Commission | 4,000 |
Local Government Act Office, and Inspection of Burial Grounds | 2,000 |
Landed Estates Record Offices | 1,000 |
Quarantine Expenses | 1,000 |
Secret Service | 8,000 |
Printing and Stationery | 90,000 |
Postage of Public Departments | 35,000 |
Class III. | |
Law Charges, England | 9,000 |
Criminal Prosecutions, &c. | 50,000 |
Police, Counties and Boroughs, Great Britain | 60,000 |
Crown Office, Queen's Bench | 2,000 |
Admiralty Court Registry | 3,000 |
Late Insolvent Debtors' Court | 2,000 |
Probate Court | 21,000 |
County Courts | 40,000 |
Land Registry Office | 2,000 |
Police Courts (Metropolis) | 6,000 |
Metropolitan Police | 40,000 |
Bankruptcy Court Compensations | 5,000 |
Lord Advocate and Solicitor General, Salaries | 1,000 |
Court of Session | 5,000 |
Court of Justiciary | 3,000 |
Prosecutions under the Lord Advocate. | 2,000 |
Exchequer, Scotland, Legal Branch | 1,000 |
Sheriffs and Procurators Fiscal not paid by Salaries, and Expenses of Prosecutions in Sheriff Courts | 9,000 |
Procurators Fiscal, Salaries | 6,000 |
Sheriff Clerks | 4,000 |
Register House, Edinburgh, Salaries and Expenses of Sundry Departments | 5,000 |
Law Charges and Criminal Prosecutions | 16,000 |
Court of Chancery | 2,000 |
Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer | 3,000 |
Process Servers | 3,000 |
Registrars to the Judges, and Clerk of the Court of Errors | 2,000 |
Manor Courts Compensations | 1,000 |
Registry of Judgments | 1,000 |
Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency | 2,000 |
Court of Probate | 3,000 |
Landed Estates Court | 4,000 |
Dublin Metropolitan Police and Police Justices | 13,000 |
Constabulary of Ireland | 200,000 |
Four Courts Marahalsea Prison | 1,000 |
Inspection and General Superintendence | 5,000 |
Prisons and Convict Establishments at Home | 90,000 |
Maintenance of Prisoners in County Gaols, &c., and Removal of Convicts | 70,000 |
Transportation of Convicts | 10,000 |
Convict Establishments in the Colonies | 50,000 |
Class IV. | |
Public Education, Great Britain | 180,000 |
Science and Art Department | 38,000 |
Public Education, Ireland | 80,000 |
University of London | 2,000 |
Universities, &c., in Scotland | 6,000 |
Queen's Colleges, Ireland | 2,000 |
Belfast Theological Professors, &c. | 1,000 |
British Museum | 23,000 |
National Gallery | 5,000 |
Scientific Works and Experiments | 2,000 |
Class V. | |
Bermudas | 1,000 |
Clergy, North America | 1,000 |
WEST INDIES, &c. | |
Governors and others, West Indies, &c. | 3,000 |
Justices, West Indies | 1,000 |
Western Coast | 4,000 |
St. Helena | 2,000 |
Falkland Islands | 2,000 |
Labuan | 2,000 |
Emigration | 3,000 |
Treasury Chest | 5,000 |
Captured Negroes, Bounties on Slaves, &c | 15,000 |
Commissions for Suppression of Slave Trade | 3,000 |
Consuls Abroad | 42,000 |
Services in China, Japan, and Siam | 5,000 |
Ministers at Foreign Courts, extraordinary Expenses | 10,000 |
Special Missions, Outfits, &c | 10,000 |
Third Secretaries to Embassies | 1,000 |
Class VI. | |
Superannuation and Retired Allowances | 60,000 |
Polish Refugees & Distressed Spaniards | 1,000 |
Merchant Seamen's Fund Pensions | 4,000 |
Relief of Distressed British Seamen | 9,000 |
Miscellaneous Charges, formerly Civil List | 1,000 |
Public Infirmaries, Ireland | 1,000 |
Westmoreland Lock Hospital | 1,000 |
House of Industry Hospitals | 2,000 |
Cork Street Fever Hospital | 1,000 |
Dr. Steevens's Hospital | 1,000 |
Concordatum Fund, and other Charities and Allowances, Ireland | 3,000 |
Non-conforming and other Ministers, Ireland | 11,000 |
Class VII. | |
Temporary Commissions | 4,000 |
Patent Law Expenses | 8,000 |
Fishery Board, Scotland | 4,000 |
Local Dues on Shipping, under Treaties of Reciprocity | 16,000 |
Inspectors of Corn Returns | 1,000 |
Miscellaneous Charges from Civil Contingencies | 1,000 |
Total | £1,866,000 |
§ MR. AUGUSTUS SMITHsaid, he had protested last year against the system of taking Votes on account before the Estimates were in the hands of hon. Members, and he wished to repeat that protest. The practice was irregular and unconstitutional.
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERsaid, he hoped the Committee would not suppose it was asked to do anything irregular. The course of public business rendered it almost impossible to get Votes in Supply regularly passed before Easter, and thus Votes on account became indispensable.
§ SIR MATTHEW RIDLEYsaid, he wished to ask, Why it was that the production of the whole of the Civil Service Estimates was so long delayed, the Array and Navy Estimates having been already placed in the hands of Members?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERsaid, the Civil Service Estimates embraced so many points, and were governed by so many considerations, that it was impossible to get them ready at an equally early date. The Army and Navy Estimates were governed by comparatively few considerations, and were within the control of the Departments.
§ Vote agreed to.
§ House resumed.
§ Resolution to be reported To-morrow.
§ Committee to sit again To-morrow.