HC Deb 10 March 1864 vol 173 c1757

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for War, By whose authority an Order has been made in the Storekeepers' Department of the Royal Military Clothing Depôt at Pimlico, by which the Pensioner Clerks, Noncommissioned Officers, are required to apply for a Pass for the Police on incidentally leaving the building, the same Order not existing in the other branches of the establishment?


replied, that by the regulations now in force, the pensioner clerks were not obliged to apply to the police for a pass. They were only required to leave their names, written by themselves on a piece of paper, with the constable, at the gate, in order that the names of all persons who left the establishment and the hours of their departure and return might be inserted in the daily report which was prepared.