HC Deb 03 March 1864 vol 173 c1365

said, he wished to ask Mr. Attorney General, Whether it be true that the Saxon was captured on the ground that her cargo was supposed to be the property of the Confederate States; and whether it be according to the Law of Nations to take possession of enemies' goods under a neutral flag, or to make prize of the neutral vessel containing those goods; or whether, on the other hand, the Saxon was captured on the ground that her cargo was Federal property, which had been seized by a Confederate man-of-war, and had been transhipped on board the neutral vessel; and, if so, whether such an act be in accordance with any principle of International Law?


said, in reply, that he was not able to inform the noble Lord on what ground the Saxon was captured. Her Majesty's Government had caused a representation to be made to the Government of the United States on the subject, but they had not received any answer to that representation. Under these circumstances, it seemed to him that it was by no means expedient to enter into a hypothetical discussion on the ground on which the capture had been made until the information sought for had been received.