HC Deb 29 July 1864 vol 176 c2189

said, he would beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether it is a fact that Prince Couza has issued a Proclamation dated 2nd (14th) July to the Roumanian people, wherein it is stated that— His Majesty the Sultan, our Illustrious Sovereign, and the Guaranteeing Powers, have recognized the New Institutions of Roumania created by the Plebiscite of the 10th (22nd) to the 14th (26th) May?


Sir, Prince Couza, of his own authority, issued edicts entirely altering the constitution of the Principalities. The Porte objected to that, and so did the Powers who at the Treaty of Paris had to a certain degree undertaken to secure to the Principalities certain constitutional institutions. The Prince was summoned to Constantinople, where he communicated with the Porte and with the Representatives of the Powers who were parties to the Treaty of Paris, and the result of the deliberations of these parties was an agreement between the Porte and Prince Couza as to certain modifications in the constitution which had been given, certain portions of that constitution being maintained and other portions being altered. The result was considered satisfactory, both by the Porte and by the other European Powers.