§ VISCOUNT ENFIELDsaid, he would beg to ask the right hon. Member for Petersfield (as a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Roads north of the Thames), Whether he can state the number of turnpike gates and side bars that have been recently removed, the number of new gates and bars erected in their place, and upon what principle the distribution of these gates and side bars has been allotted to the different metropolitan parishes?
§ SIR WILLIAM JOLLIFFE,in reply, said, that the number of gates removed by 1571 the Act of last year was twenty-five, and the number of side bars removed was fifty-four. All these gates and side bars were within the area of the Metropolis Local Management Act. The number of miles of road given over to the respective parishes was about fifty-five, and the number of miles continued as turnpike roads was sixty-seven. The number of new gates on the sixty-seven miles of road was nine, and of new side bars eight. The total number of places for the collection of toll under the new order of things was thirty-one. Under the old Act it was ninety-three. These were distributed so as to take a uniform toll of 2d. a horse within each district, for the repair of the roads within the district where it was collected. The 41st clause in the Act of last Session was introduced to facilitate the roads comprised in each of the thirteen districts created by the Act becoming parish roads, at the will of the parishes, with the consent and approval of the Secretary of State, and to that he especially wished to direct the attention of his noble Friend and the inhabitants of the county of Middlesex, as the roads might be converted into parish roads with only the delay of a Session.