§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee—Sheriff in Chancery (Scotland)* [Salary].
§ Second Reading—Ionian Islands States Acts of Parliament Repeal, &c* [Bill 197]; Militia Pay*; Expiring Laws Continuance* [Bill 193]; Bleaching and Dyeing Works Acts Extension [Bill 181]; Militia Ballots Suspension*; Turnpike Trusts Arrangements* [Bill 196]; Election Petitions Act (1848) Amendment* [Bill 182]; Criminal Justice Act (1855) Extension* [Bill 190].
§ Committee—Isle of Man Harbours Act Amendment* [Bill 1S5]; Naval and Victualling Stores (re-committed)* [Bill 178] (Lords); Sheriffs Substitute (Scotland)* [Bill 164] —R.P.; Thames Embankment and Improvement (Loans)* [Bill 191]; Improvement of Land Act (1864)* [Bill 187] (Lords)—R.P.; Mortgage Debentures* [Bill 169] (Lords), Debate adjourned; Poisoned Flesh Prohibition, &c.* [Bill 192],
§ Report—Isle of Man Harbours Act Amendment* [Bill 185]; Naval and Victualling Stores (recommitted)* [Bill 178]; Thames Embankment and Improvement (Loans)* [Bill 191]; Poisoned Flesh Prohibition, &c. (re-committed)* [Bill 192].
§ Considered as amended—Ecclesiastical Courts and Registries (Ireland)* [Bill 174] (Lords); Trespass (Ireland)* [Bill 195].
§ Third Reading—Inland Revenue (Stamp Duties)* [Bill 159]; Public Schools* [Bill 168] (Lords); Administration of Trusts (Scotland)* [Bill 179], and passed; Joint Stock Companies (Voting Papers) [Bill 198] (count out).
§ Withdrawn—Court of Chancery (Ireland)* [Bill 78]; Juries in Criminal Cases* [Bill 120].