HC Deb 18 April 1864 vol 174 c1198

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If the Government intend to introduce this Session any Bill relating to the Ecclesiastical Commission?


, in reply, said he had communicated with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners on the subject of the Report of the Select Committee, and, with reference to those Resolutions of the Committee which related to matters of administration that did not necessarily involve a change in the law, the Report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners was before the House. With regard to those Resolutions which did involve the necessity of a change in the law, the main Question, he believed, was the constitution of the Commission. Now, he was willing to admit, and he apprehended his hon. Friend would agree with him, that the constitution of the Commission was susceptible of improvement. At the same time, he was bound to say that, after a careful consideration, the recommendations of the Committee did not appear to him to suggest the best solution of that Question, or the best course to be taken with a view to the improvement of the constitution of the Commission. At present, therefore, he was not prepared to give notice of any Bill on the subject, but he hoped to be able to do so at a future time, though he could not say that it would be within the present Session. The subject was one of great difficulty, and required very careful consideration.